March is over and we are now into the 2nd and final month of the 60 day KickStarter campaign to raise funds to publish the book. 29 days remain on the campaign so we are more or less at the half way mark and this report documents the current status of the KickStarter campaign and its goals. Both immediate and long term. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2017
10 Hours Remain for the 30% off Early Bird Reward.
Only 10 hours remains if you want to snag a 30% discount on the HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter Early Bird Pledge. 10 hours, that is, if you live in Australia. The rest of the World is not far behind. Once this Reward Tier has expired, the campaign will still continue for another 30 days but this Reward will no longer be available.
Now, if the world was flat, time zone issues wouldn’t be a problem, would they?
Super 7 Demonstrates 1986 ALIENS ‘Snapping Jaws’
Super7 have posted this instagram video of their recently released 18 inch tall 1986 ALIENS Warrior action figure. This ‘Classic Toy Edition’ variant of the figure demonstrates its wonderfully aggressive ‘snapping jaws’ feature.
This trigger operated feature appears to be an exact emulation of the system to be found Continue reading
KickStarter – Early Bird Reward Tier – Final 24 Hours.
Soon we will be entering the final remaining 24 hours of the KickStarter Early Bird Reward pledge.

Ending soon.
Once the Reward expires on the last day of March, the 30% discount offer will no longer be available as part of the KickStarter campaign. You may want to act quickly if this is your preferred level of support and wish to make a pledge to help make this book a reality.
The HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter campaign will continue for another 30 days but the lowest support tier that provides Backers with a copy of the book will soon be the full price Reward Tier that is the basis of the calculated budget for the book’s development costs.
Make a difference. Make a Pledge. Act soon!
Don’t let yourself get caught out by time zones. This Project is based in Australia.
ALIEN: Covenant Trailer… in LEGO.
The fans are getting restless… and you know it’s true when they start emulating movie trailers with Lego. Animated Lego is always cool and even more cool is an animated Lego version of the ALIEN: Covenant movie trailer.
This wonderful item by PaveSome films does not skip a beat in this excellent little frame by frame recreation of the movie trailer. It is just perfect. Little plastic dudes running around Continue reading
Super7 ALIENS Warrior is Now Available.
Super7’s speculative ‘Classic Toy Edition’ ALIENS Warrior action figure is now available from their web store.
At US$195 (plus postage) this is a pricey figure but keep in mind it is at least 18 inches tall and quite possibly closer to 19. This is a tribute item that repurposes the original Kenner ALIEN figure and proposes what such a figure would have been like if Kenner’s original Continue reading
REVIEWED: TITANS Glow in the Dark ALIEN Figure.
It’s time for me to take a break from all this KickStarter campaign stuff for a day or so. Today, it’s time for a review. This time around, I take a look at TITANS exclusive Glow in the dark loot crate ALIEN.
Is it the runt of the litter? …more importantly, is it any good? Let’s take a closer look at this puppy. Woof.
KickStarter Early Bird Pledge Expires Soon.
The Early Bird Reward Tier for the HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. will expire soon. This reward option is part of the KickStarter campaign and offers 30% discount off the standard Print Edition and it will become unavailable after March 31. If you are interested in supporting the campaign at a cheaper rate then now is the time to act before it’s too late. Supporting this tier will reward Backers with a copy of the book, sheduled to be published in October, 2017. While the campaign will continue until late April, 2017 the Early Bird Reward Tier will soon no longer be available.
HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. is a comprehensive 200 page resource book about the Kenner ALIEN action figure released in 1979. The book is nearly complete. A publisher, editor, typesetting and other print services are also ready to go. All that remains now to set the final stages in motion and have the book delivered to Backers by Christmas is the financing to fund its completion.
Help bridge this final stage by making a Pledge. Pledge today and receive a 30% discount on a unique book about one of the world’s great notorious children’s toys, the Kenner ALIEN action figure.
SPOTLIGHT: 2014 Gentle Giant Glow in the Dark ALIEN
Shining a spotlight on this figure is a highly desirable and appropriate thing to do. 2014 witnessed the release of Gentle Giant’s own take on the Classic action figure. Their release was fully 25% larger than the original figure presented in a large black box featuring white artwork.
This enormous 24 inch tall figure is cast in luminous green plastic and will glow in the dark once held under bright lights. It was the first of 4 variants produced by Gentle Giant Continue reading
KickStarter – 48 Hour FLASH SALE! is Now Over.
The HeartStarter FLASH SALE! is now over. Some people decided to make a Pledge and take advantage of the cheapest rate on offer and that’s terrific. Now that the HeartStarter incentive has expired, it’s still not too late to demonstrate your support for this Project and still benefit from a cheaper rate.
The Early Bird Reward option is still available and offers 30% off the standard Full Print Edition reward. It’s a substantial saving for anyone who wants a copy of the book at a very affordable Pledge level. Visit the KickStarter campaign page for more details.
As is the nature of this reward tier, the Early Bird Reward will expire at the end of the month. It will stay active for 2 more weeks so please keep in mind this offer will terminate on March 31.
Thank you to everyone who took advantage of the HeartStarter FLASH SALE! Figures for the campaign have been generally lower than I had anticipated and while they still remain a little short of required numbers to be successful, this activity has helped the campaign gain some much needed traction to get back into the race.
HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. may be off life support but it still needs your help. Make a Pledge today!
Thank you for your much needed support.
KickStarter – HeartStarter FLASH SALE! Now On.
The HeartStarter FLASH SALE! Reward Tier is now open for would be Backers on the HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter campaign.
It’s the cheapest support option on the list that will reward you with a copy of the book. At 50% off the Full Print Edition you’ll be paying half price. There’s just one catch. Well, two actually. Firstly, the FLASH SALE is limited to only 50 copies. If they don’t move fast enough, then this Reward Option closes on March 16, less than 48 hours.
This Reward Tier is intended to appeal to anyone who may be undecided about supporting this Project. At half price the decision is made for you. All you have to do is make a Pledge. Pledges are AU$32.50 (Approx US$25).
Make a pledge. Make a difference. Do it now. This offer won’t last long.
HIDEOUS PLASTIC Proposed Vols. 2&3 Titles Revealed.
It’s no secret I intend HIDEOUS PLASTIC to be a trilogy of books about ALIEN action figures and toys.
While In stores everyone can hear you scream. is more than capable of existing as a solitary stand alone title, it could just as easily be the first volume in a trilogy. The basic outline plans for Volumes 2&3 have been already drawn up and their contents largely determined. The subtitles on the images below will provide a clue to their proposed content.

(Left) Vol. 2: This time it’s more.; (Right) Vol. 3: Whatever sells we buy. Cover art not final.
HIDEOUS PLASTIC – This time it’s more. is intended to cover all ALIEN action figures and toys since 1979 ranging from the original 1979 Kenner item through toys they released in Continue reading
SPOTLIGHT: 1995 Tsukuda Hobby ALIEN.
During the course of the next 50 days, we’re going to look at some of the other action figures and models that will grace the pages of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. First up is this rather obscure item from Tsukuda Hobby, released in 1995.
This Japanese pressing is the 2nd item from Tsukuda Hobby derived their product from the original 1979 kenner action figure and it is generally considered to be inferior. While Continue reading
KickStarter – UPDATE No.3: ‘Xenothusiast’ Expiry Date Added.
Welcome to the HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter Campaign Update No.3
Just a small update; but an important one in the greater scheme of things regarding this campaign. I’ve added an expiry date to the Xenothusiast Reward Tier. This reward will become unavailable on April 25th, 2017.
This is the high end tier for this campaign. It includes a 1979 Kenner ALIEN action figure fully restored to display worthy condition. These items are expensive at the best of times and this tier reflects the figure’s value. You will also receive a copy of the book along with other privileges. See the tier listing for details.
Other than the date alteration, no other changes have been made to this tier.
So, if you are interested in owning one of these fully feature complete excellent presentation display worthy figures (and a copy of the book), now is the time to start thinking about it. 25 of them are available.
KickStarter – 2nd Kenner ALIEN Shipment Arrives.
Ah, it arrived a little later than expected, but my 2nd box of dismembered ALIEN parts came today. It’s difficult to see the value in this apparent pile of rubble, but in truth I’ll be able to use this selection of miscellaneous black body parts as foundations to construct and restore at least 2 more Aliens. This will be a fun exercise if nothing else.
Let’s see what’s included in this pile of debris. There are 2 incomplete figures here, both missing arms. I’ll be using the arms that arrived in the earlier shipment to complete those Continue reading
McNamara Writes about HIDEOUS PLASTIC.
You know when other people start posting about your work, it’s getting serious. Matthew McNamara of Mcnamara Writes has kindly cast the spotlight on HIDEOUS PLASTIC, specifically focusing on the KickStarter campaign that is currently running.
Thank you for the attention, Matthew. Helping to spread the word greatly improves the campaign’s success. I really need that to happen right now. So if anyone wants to write about the book and the KickStarter campaign, please do so. I need that promotional push. thank you.
SAVE! 30% on KickStarter Early Bird Reward!
Don’t forget, the HIDEOUS PLASTIC ‘Early Bird’ tier rewards Backers who support this Project now. You will receive a 30% discount on the book with your pledge! This offer is limited in quantity and time. Only 250 units are available. The offer expires on March 31.
Make a difference. Make a pledge. Do it soon.
HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream a 200 page book about one of the world’s most notorious children’s toys, the 1979 Kenner ALIEN Action figure. Now on KickStarter.
Super 7 Posts Comparison Photos of their 1986 ‘Classic Toy’ Edition.
Super 7 recently announced pre-orders were open for their new Kenner derived ALIENS Warrior. Now they have posted a series of images that compare the original Kenner figure with their new iteration dubbed ‘Classic Toy’. This new version is one of two that Super 7 plans to release – and I suspect won’t be the last either.
Here’s what Super 7 have to say about their new upcoming homage/alternative version of Continue reading
KickStarter – UPDATE No.2: Book Contents Detailed
Welcome to the HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter Campaign Update No.2
I’ve had a couple of people mention they would like to see a complete rundown of the book’s contents. I’ve responded by updating and expanding the WHAT EXACTLY IS INSIDE THIS BOOK? section near the top of the campaign page. This will help you gain a more accurate understanding of the contents and page count for each chapter.
241 is the current page count and is likely to change during editing. I expect it will be condensed down from that number but a minimum of 200 pages is anticipated.
KickStarter – Kenner ALIEN Shipment Arrives.
One of several boxes I am expecting to turn up on my doorstep has arrived. Inside the box are several incomplete Kenner ALIEN figures along with an assortment of very useful parts. Each one of these items will be put to good use in the coming months as part of the HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter campaign.
The package includes 3 incomplete figures along with an assortment of very useable parts: 1x head, 1x carapace (or dome, if you like), 1x tail, 1x shoulder spike, 3x pairs of Continue reading