It’s been a while since I’ve posted about the book I’m writing, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. A little over a month now, actually, so an update is due to keep people who are interested in its progress up to speed.
The manuscript is almost complete – and has been for a while now. Nonetheless, there’s been many small changes and revisions to the text and upgrading of image content during the past month and at this point there’s just a few holes that need to be plugged. Just a few questions that need to be answered and one or two images I want to include that I am seeking permission to use. Right now this is where the challenge lies for me to bring the ms into a finished and ready state for editing.

These final pieces of information are important – but not critical. For example, how many of these 18 inch action figures did Kenner manufacture in 1979? That’s definitely a detail I would like to include in the book – but I don’t even know if an answer is possible. Everyone I have asked so far simply draws a blank. If I can’t find answers to this – and similar such questions – I still have a manuscript consisting of more than 250 pages and worthy of publication. It’s answers to a handful of questions of this nature that remain and if I can acquire them, such information will give the book the full depth and polish I want it to have.
At 250 pages long, it comprises almost 60,000 words and features over 200 images (photos, diagrams, drawings and illustrations). It’s a massive manuscript dedicated to the Kenner ALIEN figure. It documents its history, how to repair one, what to look for if you wish to purchase one and its many derivative descendants released since 1979 until this year. There’s so much content here, it’s incredible. I anticipate the book will compact down somewhat after professional editing, typesetting and design has been completed. I guess it will eventually be around 200 pages long when published.
Right now, that’s the goal and if nothing else, I could publish the book today and achieve that ambition without any additional input; but to go beyond what it currently is and initiate that final push to make it the best it can possibly be is the goal now.
Then, it’s off to the Editor.
Essential third party services have already been organised. People involved in undertaking the necessary tasks of editing, proofing, typesetting – along with cover and interior design – are ready to receive the manuscript and shape it into its final form. I’ll be sending the ms to those people soon. The book will most likely enter this phase of its development cycle in early 2018. I’m allowing myself a few more months to add the final elements to the book prior to sending it on.
Then, it’s off to the printer and the distribution of the book. It is anticipated to become available sometime in the middle of next year. Maybe a little later, to be on the conservative side.
Right now, it’s progressing very well. The legal aspects were addressed 12 months ago. I’ve been working on it since June 2015 and despite an unsuccessful KickStarter earlier this year, its preparation has developed and progressed more or less as planned. No big deal, really. This is more or less the stage I anticipated the book to be at with or without such funding. The only major difference: it will be released next year instead of being available Christmas this year. So be it.
Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions about HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream or you have some contribution you wish to make to this unique book, please contact me. Such contributions will be appropriately recognised and credited in the acknowledgements section and any copyright image content used will be respected as such.