Let’s keep the 39th Anniversary Celebration of the release of ALIEN alive with a little announcement, shall we? Very soon, I will be releasing a 30+ page excerpt from the book, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream.

The excerpt contained in the ‘Preview Edition’ will be the first chapter of the book in its entirety, dealing with the history of the 1979 Kenner ALIEN action figure.
My reasons for releasing this portion of the book publicly is manifold. Promotional intention is definitely a good reason and high on the list; but I have other motivations needing to be accommodated. Of most importance, this item will be the last opportunity to make corrections and other changes or additions before the entire manuscript is passed onto an Editor. Once in the Editor’s hands, the content MUST be accurate.
To this end, I am hoping the Preview Edition will be passed around to people who will be in a position (former Kenner employees, for example) to help with the final push to make this book as accurate as possible. During the course of writing this volume, I’ve discovered some ‘truths’ that are simply out of touch with reality. If any such inaccuracies still exist in the text, this will be the last opportunity to see them corrected and eliminated prior to publication.
I will need feedback in this regard. The Preview Edition V0.30 will be available to download from the sidebar at right. See the already extant right hand sidebar items currently marked by a pair of ‘PLACEHOLDER’ graphics? Yeah. That’s where it will be available for download. FREE. The Download and Patreon items will both go live on the same date, June 15, 2018.
I’m looking forward to posting this new version of the Preview Edition. An earlier version (since removed due to it becoming redundant) was posted previously on this site and the feedback I received from that earlier iteration was invaluable. I expect the new version will generate just as much useful information, advice, recommendations and revelations.
Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to June 15 to share this updated excerpt with you. In the meantime, have a happy 39th ALIEN Anniversary. 
Anybody wanting to contact me prior to June 15 may do so.