Yep. That’s right. For 2 years now, HIDEOUS PLASTIC has been live. It’s been relatively smooth sailing throughout the past year with a lot of News postings on the front page and other content scattered throughout the site as well. Notwithstanding a period of about 4 months where everything slowed down to a crawl due to moving house at the time, I have returned to making regular updates.
I’m still living in a house full of unopened boxes and still tidying up my old residence but generally speaking, the uncomfortable and difficult move has gone as well as could be expected. No breakages and nothing lost during the move. That’s a win!

Nonetheless, everything is ticking over as planned here on the site and it has grown substantially during the past 12 months. Established areas like the News and Reviews, areas have grown and I’ve added a ton of Other Stuff as well. There’s a lot of content here now. Take some time to look around. If you interested in ALIEN stuff, I think you’ll like it.
To help celebrate our 2nd ‘birthday’ online, I’ve cobbled together a list of my Top 10 favourite ALIEN action figures. Go check it out! There’s a good diversity in there but there’s no surprise to regular visitors of HIDEOUS PLASTIC which item came in at No.1. I mean, really..? It’s not that hard to guess.

Also of interest to visitors will be the welcome News of progress on the upcoming book, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. I had a very, very successful and rewarding meeting with my publisher during November (Nah… I didn’t tell anyone about it.
) and we have decided we’re ready to publish early next year.
To this end you can expect the very first full color 200+ page book dedicated to the 1979 Kenner ALIEN action figure available around March, 2019. That’s Official.

This has been complete for some time and is now in the hands of the publisher for editing, typesetting etc. At this point I’m happy to discuss my next Project. These past 8 weeks have been spent laying and revising the groundwork for HIDEOUS PLASTIC Vol.s 2&3. It’s no secret my intention to release a non-fiction trilogy based on ALIEN action figures has always been on the cards but until now these 2 volumes have been pushed into the background. They are now both being brought forward for full development.
While the development to completion of these next 2 books is heavily dependent upon the success of Vol.1, my publisher is confident that this will be the case. The pipeline to see Vol.2 appear in about 24 months time; with Vol.3 to follow up sometime soon after that, has been set in place. Yep. We are doing it!
So, here’s a little preview of what to expect. I’ve posted these images before but the cover mock ups for both books provide you with an indication of what the content for each one will be:

So, with 4 productive years behind me (I’ve been working on the first book long before the website was launched) and at least 2 more work intensive years ahead, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped and supported this site.
Thank you to everyone who helped expand and contributed to the various sections of the site, especially the Kenner Prototypes gallery. That stuff is incredible and that area of the site was not possible to build without your assistance. Thank you to everyone who called my attention to Newsworthy items. That activity will always be welcome, no matter who it comes from (If you have any News relating to new and upcoming ALIEN action figures based on any of the 8 ALIEN/AvP movies, please let me know! It’s always welcome! Not just Officially released merchandise either. I’ll post News regarding Custom made and other Art Project items as well.) and finally, thank you to every one who has visited this growing site during the past 24 months. It means a lot to me to see you return.
My level of commitment here continues unabated and with your support, it will be rewarding for all concerned. Thank you everyone. I am proud to have been able to make this site an online experience for visitors to enjoy.
May there be many more years ahead.