Do you want an instant collection of Kenner’s ALIEN product line from 1979 but don’t want to hunt around for eternity to find them at a low price? Luckily for you, duffinopolis has one of each available for sale on eBay in a single lot. That’s right, in one fell swoop, you could land yourself a Kenner ALIEN Movie Viewer, a US edition of the ALIEN board game and an 18″ tall ALIEN action figure – including the box! All this for just US$799.99! CHEAP!

Now, you may think I jest, but this is actually a decent price. These 40 year old relics are high value collectibles now and finding a set of 3 like this is very rare. You’ll find them for sale individually quite frequently but as a set? That doesn’t happen too often. As for the price of US$800? Yup. That’s not too bad, either.
The action figure in the box alone can pull that amount of money – or more – and while the poster is missing and the red insert card is a facsimile the box itself is in good healthy condition and the figure is complete. Consider US$600 to be an average price for this item on a good day. That’s True. Then there’s the board game. You’ll find this is the common US edition included in this lot. Nonetheless, it’s worth around US$100 – easily more. …and that movie viewer? Once again, it’s worth around US$100. Of course, these are average ballpark figures. You can find them cheaper – if you wait and hunt around but the US$800 price tag is pretty much what I would expect for this trio.
As an instant set of 3 highly collectible vintage pieces, it’s a good deal. If I didn’t have them already, sure. I’d grab ’em at this price.