As today is the first day of HIDEOUS PLASTIC’s 4th year online, I’m taking this opportunity to update the current status on the book, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. A lot has happened since I last openly discussed the status of the book and excellent News is to be shared.
The short version is this unique full colour, near 300 page volume dedicated to the 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy will be available next year and we now have a clear path to publication.

Here’s a quick rundown of recent activities. The final manuscript has been locked down and complete for some time now. In October, proof copies of the book were created. 5 of them, to be specific. The purpose of these early copies is simple. They are for evaluation, correction, peer review and legal advice. These tasks are absolutely necessary and unavoidable. They are behind me now and a clear path to publication is now open.
Significantly, my final round of assessment and discussion with my legal advisor took place in November. He was impressed with the book as a whole and gave the current manuscript a complete Pass without any changes necessary to any text or image content. This means despite being an unauthorised/unlicenced product, the book is now good to publish and still be compliant with copyright laws. My legal advisor is a copyright attorney with 35 years experience in corporate level Law. His credentials are solid. I am more than pleased with his valuable guidance and feedback as this now complete process provides me with security to proceed.
Now the legal concerns have now been dealt with, corrections have become the priority. There’s been a few small changes since the proofs were run off and a thorough testing of the index and contents pages is the current big task. So far, these are looking good and accurate with any changes themselves being nothing substantial. Minor grammar, layout details and image content has been adjusted. That’s all.
As to when the book will become available for purchase, I am working to follow a tentative pipeline and if all goes well, it is intended pre-orders for the book will open in late January. I anticipate actual printing will take place in February with copies posted in March. With a little luck, they should arrive on doorsteps in late April. Just in time for ALIEN Day, April 26. That’s the current plan. Notwithstanding unexpected delays (Oh, I know all about those!) this proposal is achievable.
Either way, it won’t be long now before we pay a visit to the printer next year. The final round of legal advice has been completed and proof copies in hand, we are on the last stretch to see publication. Next year will be a very Happy New Year, regardless.
If you want more information, I have also update the book’s About Page.