Ah, it’s another one of those so-called “rare” 1979 Kenner ALIEN action figures all the cool kids are clamoring over for sale on eBay. This one is from Canada and it’s a “Buy Now” listing of Ca$2,000 (US$1,530). It includes the figure, the poster and a beat up old box. Those features alone don’t make it rare as boxed ALIEN figures appear on the service on a regular basis, almost weekly. Just wait. Another will appear soon. So frequently do they appear it’s almost like they are scheduled to do so. They are simply just not as rare as sellers will so readily claim. In which case, is it possible this listing may possess some other quality to justify this commonly overused claim of being “rare”? Let’s take a closer look at this sample for sale.

At least it’s all there – well, most of it, anyway – the toy, box and poster. Each of them show signs of damage or aging of some description. Nonetheless, it’s a great start to be complete in this regard and all three together makes them valuable. Of significance, this item is a non-standard version of the toy. This item is not only being sold in Canada – it was made there. This is important because most Kenner ALIEN toys were manufactured in the USA. This one wasn’t and there are differences present in all the component parts of the package. Unlike the US version, this box and poster are bilingual, printed in English and French. The toy itself will have about a dozen different variations including – but not limited to – being constructed of a lighter grey styrene, 1979 production details stamped on the side of the jaw trigger will be absent and glue residue will be present on the arms. All of these features are limited to the Canadian version of the toy. Other anomalies will be present too, but rest assured, this sample differs from its counterparts produced south of the border in many albeit small details. Continue reading →