NEW Section! ALIEN ReAction Figures.

Today, I am adding a new section to HIDEOUS PLASTIC’s pages. This new set of entries will be dedicated to Super7 ALIEN ReAction figures and will consist of no less than twenty pages.

The first page is ready to view and it documents Super7xFunko’s collaborative “advance promotional sample” released in 2013 of Kane in his compression suit and the Alien.Eventually, I will be documenting all forty one currently released 3.75 inch ALIEN ReAction figures in this way with photos, information and other details. This will take some time but I will drip feed them all onto the site as they are completed and made ready.

This should keep me busy until the end of the year. Yippee! 🙂


Video Review – HIDEOUS PLASTIC Book.

Here’s something I’ve been wanting to see for a while, a video review of the book HIDEOUS PLASTIC. This review is by Baptiste Coudert. The big questions are always the same. Is it any good? Did he like it? Would he recommend it to anyone interested in a 300 page compendium of absolutely everything there is to know about an ugly-ass forty year old ALIEN toy that failed at retail outlets back in 1979..?

Check out the video below and find out!

For the past five years I’ve been working on this publication. It’s great to see it finally become available and get it out to people’s hands. I’ve enjoyed the feedback. It’s been great. Thank you Baptiste for your appraisal of the book. It means a great deal to me.

HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. is now available. Currently, you can either purchase direct by contacting me at or purchase via eBay.

More retail outlets are being organised for 2021 availability.


eBay – Another “Rare” Kenner ALIEN for Sale.

Ah, it’s another one of those so-called “rare” 1979 Kenner ALIEN action figures all the cool kids are clamoring over for sale on eBay. This one is from Canada and it’s a “Buy Now” listing of Ca$2,000 (US$1,530). It includes the figure, the poster and a beat up old box. Those features alone don’t make it rare as boxed ALIEN figures appear on the service on a regular basis, almost weekly. Just wait. Another will appear soon. So frequently do they appear it’s almost like they are scheduled to do so. They are simply just not as rare as sellers will so readily claim. In which case, is it possible this listing may possess some other quality to justify this commonly overused claim of being “rare”? Let’s take a closer look at this sample for sale.

At least it’s all there – well, most of it, anyway – the toy, box and poster. Each of them show signs of damage or aging of some description. Nonetheless, it’s a great start  to be complete in this regard and all three together makes them valuable. Of significance, this item is a non-standard version of the toy. This item is not only being sold in Canada – it was made there. This is important because most Kenner ALIEN toys were manufactured in the USA. This one wasn’t and there are differences present in all the component parts of the package. Unlike the US version, this box and poster are bilingual, printed in English and French. The toy itself will have about a dozen different variations including – but not limited to – being constructed of a lighter grey styrene, 1979 production details stamped on the side of the jaw trigger will be absent and glue residue will be present on the arms. All of these features are limited to the Canadian version of the toy. Other anomalies will be present too, but rest assured, this sample differs from its counterparts produced south of the border in many albeit small details. Continue reading

eBay – “Rare” Kenner ALIEN for Sale.

UPDATE: Sold for US$415. (5 bidders.)

Here’s another 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy for sale on eBay. Apparently, it’s “rare”. People must have a different appreciation of the word to what I believe it to mean. This is the second Kenner ALIEN freshly listed on eBay I have seen described this way, today. lol. Bidding starts at US$199. A very reasonable kick off to the sale, I say.Admittedly, this one is in very good condition. Excellent condition, actually; but even complete figures such as this are still relatively common and do appear frequently on eBay. Even if it included a box and poster, it would still not be rare – unless my understanding of the meaning of the word is seriously out of touch with reality. Nonetheless, this a great figure. It’s complete, in very good shape with only minor faults – and even those aren’t going to worry whoever purchases this fine example of the old vintage Kenner toy. Continue reading

eBay – “Rare Authentic” 1979 Kenner ALIEN for Sale.

UPDATE: This item has been sold.

If you live in Canada and would like to own a 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy, right now there is one up for auction on eBay. Bidding starts at Ca$500 (US$382) for this “authentic” and “rare” toy. However, it does come with some caveats. Let’s check him out.Let’s get the notion this toy is rare out of the way, first. It’s not. Yesterday’s news article on this blog provided some ballpark figures as to how many were actually produced. Now that financial sales figures of the toy have been unearthed, it is possible to speculate somewhere between 110,000 and 150,000 of these toys were made by Kenner in the US and to this day, they still appear frequently on secondary markets. They appear on eBay regularly; at an almost daily rate. The high frequency of their appearance on the service means claims they are rare are false; but it makes a great selling point, right? Nonetheless, it’s not a credible claim. Continue reading

1979 Kenner ALIEN Toy Sales Figures Unearthed.

How many ALIEN toys did Kenner actually produce in 1979? Up until now, any number you could care to nominate would have been considered viable; but now we have evidence that suggests a ballpark figure can now be estimated. Recently, some Kenner Products paperwork has surfaced that reveals some critical Kenner’s sales figures. In 1995-96 a sales report was generated within Hasbro, who owned Kenner at the time. The report covered data from 1973 to 1995 for all US domestic sales for every toy line they made during those years

As the 18 inch ALIEN toy was released in 1979, its sales information is also included in the paperwork. The previous best estimate cited to me of how many of these were actually made was 10,000 units, dispatched to retailers. It turns out this number is a gross under-estimate and the truth is significantly higher. Continue reading

eBay – Kenner ALIEN Dome and Arm for Sale.

UPDATE: Sold within 24 hours with an accepted offer.

This is a nice looking pair of vintage Kenner ALIEN parts being auctioned on eBay. It’s a head dome and right arm for the old toy. Bidding starts at US$125. The dome appears to be in great condition, with no cracks, scratches, minimal blemishes and all 5 nubs present on the sides and back of the piece. The arm also appears to be in great shape although it is missing the rubber anchor that connects it to the central post within the figure. If you need a right arm, this one is a great piece and fabricating a means of connecting it to the toy is relatively easy.

This pair is an excellent quality pick up for someone wanting to spend at least US$125 on a pair of forty year old plastic parts to help complete their vintage ALIEN toy. Not too bad pricing, actually, considering the head dome itself can sell for upwards of US$100 alone. You just have to be lucky enough to be someone who wants both of these parts to truly make it worth purchasing. BARGAIN!!!


Lanard Toys ALIEN Video Preview.

Walter McCloud (aka Lanardolicious) has posted a video review of upcoming series 2 of Lanard ALIEN toys. Considering this range of 7 inch toys won’t be available until after Christmas, this video is a preview as much as it serves as a review. That’s an important detail you will need to consider as these items have not been released yet. Nonetheless, this video appraisal investigates each of the 3 figures in this upcoming 7 inch line, focusing on each figure’s details, articulation points and the various accessories included with each package.

Lanard will be releasing this new range of toys soon after Christmas and they will be available from Walmart – and Smyths in the UK – with a price tag of $10 each. I am 100% on board with releasing toys for children, aged 7 (and up) inspired on face ripping space monstery goodness from a series of R-rated movies. Now, Lanard, can we please see these released in Australia? That would be sweet …and New Zealand, too, while you’re at it. Hell, anywhere south of the Equator would be ideal.


Lanard Reveal 7 Inch ALIEN Collection Toys.

Lanard Toys have upped the scale of their ALIEN Collection toys in Wave 2 of this series of popular ALIEN range with their upcoming “Special Edition Collector Series”. This will be a set of three 7 inch figures, doubling the size of their previous line of 3.75 inch ALIEN toys. Here’s an unboxing video of what you can expect the upcoming toy range to look like:

Present in this new line of toys will be creatures already released by Lanard but in a new, larger 1/12 scale. All three original ALIEN movies are represented with with larger versions of each of the Drone, Warrior and Dog Aliens. Each includes accessories with the Runner Alien from ALIEN 3 being the stand out package in this line up as it is accompanied by Murphy’s Rottweiler, Spike. No goofy repurposed space marines – not yet, anyway – have been revealed as part of this line up. Nonetheless, more unannounced ALIEN Collection products are planned for release by Lanard Toys; but for now, this “Special Edition Collector Series” selection is a tremendous follow up to their already popular line up.

These ALIEN toys will retail for around $10 apiece; and when these toys do become available to the public, they will be age rated for 7 year olds. Buy some ten dollar face ripping joy for your child! They will be available through Walmart in the US and are also expected to appear on shelves at Smyths stores in the UK. Release date for these is anticipated to be soon after Christmas.

Great stuff! I love it.


Eaglemoss Mega Edition Chestburster now Available.

Do you need a life sized chrome-fanged blood soaked phallic parasitoid in your life? Maybe, one to sit on your desk to ward off annoying inquiries from people that should know how to sort out their own shit by now..? Well, you’re in luck! The Eaglemoss Mega Edition Chestburster is now available to orderThis Mega Edition polyresin piece stands 30cm tall and is strictly a limited edition. Here’s what Eaglemoss have to say about it. “Your MEGA Alien Chestburster Figurine has been cast in specially formulated metallic resin and painted by hand to show the worm-like shape of the infant alien wit(h) a mouth full of metallic teeth. Don’t be scared to add this fantastic figurine to your Alien & Predator collection!” The price for this lovely example of unearthly juvenile hostility is US$159.99.


ReAction Figures Available at Popcultcha.

Australia’s wonderful supplier of ALIEN goodies and merchandise, Popcultcha, are now stocking recent releases of Super7’s ALIEN ReAction figures. It’s about time we had some of this 3.75 inch ALIEN love in this country again!It’s great seeing this fresh stock land in Australia. Significantly, this is probably the first time any blue carded ALIEN items have ever been available for purchase here. Released now are Ripley with Jones along with Dallas and the bloodied Attack Alien. These three figures are from ALIEN ReAction Figure Series 3 and are now available along with the complete set of nine figures comprising the recently released ALIENS set. At Au$29.99 each, they may appear a little pricey but factor in the “Free shipping over Au$100” and they immediately become a competitive and viable option to purchasing them direct from Super7 in California.

These are great little retro styled figures. Grab ’em while stocks last!


Yutani Studio HIDEOUS PLASTIC Book Giveaway.

Everybody loves freebies and over at Yutani Studios, a blog about all things ALIEN, Muther9000 has a copy of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream to give away to one lucky winner. All you need to do is comment your thoughts about the 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy and you’re set to be in the running to win it. Simple.HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream is now available. This is a unique book dedicated to the exploration and greater understanding of the nefarious 18 inch tall Kenner ALIEN action figure released in 1979. Delve into the extraordinary 40 year history of the first commercially made toy based on an R-rated movie and discover how this unusual play thing became available for children as young as five years old.

This book includes:

  • A complete historical documentation of the toy spanning four decades.
  • A spotter’s guide for anyone wanting to purchase one of these expensive collectibles today.
  • A repair manual remedying many common problems that a Kenner ALIEN action figure may possess.

You can either purchase a copy by contacting me directly at or purchase one via eBay.


UPDATED – Bootlegs, Knock Offs and Other “Illegal Aliens”.

The unlicenced toy industry keeps churning out bogus product and we keep buying them. What if that bogus ALIEN toy is actually broken? Is it worth keeping? Is it worth restoring? Is a counterfeit item, fake and disowned and ignored by its rightful intellectual property owner worth repairing? In some cases, no, it’s not. It’s just junk. What happens when the damaged bootleg is a synthesis of pop culture meaning and simply can’t be ignored?

Let’s take a look at this odd sample. It’s had some attention applied to restore missing parts. This weird and wonderful item is a Mexican bootleg Homer Simpson Xenomorph Alien hybrid, also known as the “Homermorph”. Isn’t he grand? He wasn’t always this good looking, though as multiple parts were missing and its owner, David Aliens EC, has restored this oddity to its original state – at least as original as can be declared for an unlicenced product like this. There’s more images on this page along with a selection of other bootleg oddities and curiosities. Have fun with these!
