Four years ago today, I launched this blog.
It’s primary purpose was to support the book I was writing at the time, extensively documenting the 18 inch tall 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy released forty one years ago. Of course, this blog has grown a lot since then – and it’s endured it’s fair swag of challenges as well. During the last four years on a personal level that has affected its continued attention, I have sold my house, moved twice, bought another house, had my leg cut off and bolted back on again and published that aforementioned book. HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream, which is now available. …and I can also walk again, too. Which is an ability I welcome every day. More importantly, my life is calming down again so I can now give my blog greater attention, too.
The aforementioned book is now published and currently available on eBay, or you can purchase it from me directly. More outlets are being organised for next year and it’s time to look ahead to the future. I have more plans moving forward into the New Year and soon this current Phase One of the HIDEOUS PLASTIC Project will be complete. Right now I am in the final stage of tying up loose ends. This process involves among other tasks, adding every ReAction figure released by Super7 onto their own dedicated section of the site. A landing page is now added and will be growing longer during the coming weeks.
This Landing Page is still very much work in progress but is in a usable albeit incomplete state. A quarter of the items requiring documentation have been added in quick succession and it continues to grow rapidly. I estimate it will be content complete sometime in January/February, 2021. Quick access to the ReAction figure Landing Page can be found in the side bar at right; or via the “Collated Works” menu to be found below the main banner at the top of this page. Not long to go now. Once these entries are accomplished, I will be shifting my focus ever so slightly early next year.
Overall, 2020 has been a difficult year for us all. I don’t know anyone who has braved through this global health crisis unscathed. Either by being directly affected by contracting Covid-19 or knowing someone else who has done so; or have themselves otherwise been indirectly affected via financial hardship or experienced some other difficulties due to it. Bring on 2021, I say! Everything will start to improve next year and I know I’m not alone wanting to see 2020 put behind us.
Next year should see impending vaccines becoming widespread and here’s to hoping everyone who has supported this blog with their presence will continue to do so. Believe me, it’s been a hard year for me, too; and one of the joys assisting me to progress through it has been dedicating time to this blog and finally seeing my book be published. Thank you for your support in every way. It has meant a great deal to me. We continue to push forward, together.
We’ve still got a long way to go, though. Next year will be the start of a new Phase of HIDEOUS PLASTIC and I know people will enjoy it. So, stick around, kiddies. I’ll be commencing an estimated three years of celebrating 1990s Kenner ALIENS toys on this blog. That herculean task is just around the corner and with your support it can be accomplished. 
Thank you for four great years. I’ve got at least another four more to go.