Over forty years have now passed since Kenner released their now famous oversized ALIEN action figure. Along with its release, various promotional material such as brochures and catalogs featuring the toy were also released. One such item has recently become available for sale on eBay for the lofty sum of US$300, or Best Offer. 
This double sided four colour brochure is rare in the truest sense of the word. Some people will claim the toy in a box deserves this honor, when in all actuality, it’s items like this that deserve that honour. The number of figures in boxes – including unopened packages – available on eBay at any time is surprisingly high compared to promotional material such as this. Relatively speaking then, this brochure genuinely wears the reputation of being identified as rare. For example, just the other day, I posted how easily it was to find a sample of the toy in a box. I instantly found seven of them. In contrast, this brochure listing is the first occurrence I have seen in a very, very long time.
US$300 is a lot to pay for a forty year old double sided catalog item. Then again, this vintage sheet is more than just a relic. It’s a historical document providing a fleeting glimpse through a distant window into the marketing strategy behind one of the most remarkable toys ever made. One other additional curious element of note for this print item is also worthy of mention. Not only are images of the toy featured on both sides (an image of the figure also appears on the cover of the ALIEN board game featured on the reverse side) but images differ slightly from the figure released in 1979. The item featured here is believed to be a prototype of the Kenner ALIEN, adding yet another glimpse into this toy’s distant past, into the development of this strange children’s toy.
Brochures like this are extremely difficult to find and are seldom listed on eBay. This one will no doubt sell very soon as demand for the toy and any vintage material associated with it be it posters, toy catalogs or other Kenner promotional material continues to grow in demand.