It’s been five years since this blog was launched, which comfortably places half a decade behind us and we’re still continuing to grow. Let’s first acknowledge that much like last year, 2021 has been tough for almost everyone. Covid-19 is still a major part of everyone’s day to day lives and we’ve all had to make adjustments to our lifestyles in some way. Sometimes temporarily, sometimes more permanent. Nonetheless, HIDEOUS PLASTIC is surviving and doing well.
Let’s celebrate with a Au$20 discount sale on the book. Awesome!

This is a celebratory post with some content I wish to discuss and I’ll cover it in detail below. A lot has happened over the past twelve months and much remains to be seen during the coming year and beyond. So, let’s get stuck into dismantling this list.
1). HIDEOUS PLASTIC Site and Content.
As we enter our sixth year online, almost 900 News posts have been made and 200 pages of ALIEN toy and action figure content now exists here at your fingertips at The site has become content rich and I’ve been working at it for five years. So it should reflect that effort. And now it does.
In regards to News items, excepting a few scattered announcements from official licensers during the passed year, there has been a drought regarding new ALIEN toys and action figures being released. In this regard, I’ve continued to prop up the News section during these lean times by posting select Kenner ALIEN toys for sale on eBay. Importantly, however, this drought will break. There is a new ALIEN television series being released at some point in the not too distant future and it’s a safe bet it will support a stream of new merchandise associated with it. Which is great, as far as I am concerned. It will be a while before the TV show is properly revealed but you can rest assured, HIDEOUS PLASTIC will be around to post news about any action figure goodies associated with it. I am positive about this new show and looking forward to seeing what it has to offer.
2). HIDEOUS PLASTIC Book: Vol.1.
Taking the current global health crisis into consideration, sales of the book, are doing well. It’s nowhere near the heady levels of a New York Times Best Seller but as an independent publication documenting the (at the time) unpopular forty year old Kenner ALIEN toy, I am not troubled by that as it was never intended to achieve those lofty goals. Currently the book is self sustaining with sales being more than adequate to ensure the bills associated with running and maintaining this site are paid, guaranteeing its survival. It’s now part of a positive self-supporting feedback loop. That’s a good thing.
Which reminds me. Today’s post is as much a celebration as it is a News item. So let’s celebrate with a sale! This week, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream is currently on sale at a discount price. Or you can contact me directly if you want one at the current low price of Au$35. Remember, as outlined above, purchase of this book will continue to keep this site alive during the coming years and assist greatly in funding other projects I currently have in development.
Yeah. That’s right. I’m always up to something. So let’s talk about those in-development projects.
3). HIDEOUS PLASTIC Book: Vol.2.
I have to be straight forward and blunt on this topic. Unfortunately, the current pandemic climate is still negatively affecting just about everything. This continuing situation is making it extremely difficult to further develop this project at this stage. In this regard, I am placing a pause on the progress of the sequel book, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – This time it’s more. This is in no way intended to indicate any cancellation of this project – it’s just being placed on hold until more favourable conditions arise so I can apply my best efforts to it. Right now is simply not the right time.
Believe me, I want to see this book happen but it’s just going to have to wait and sit on the back burner and simmer for now. For how long? I don’t know but when I decide to pick it up again and run with it, I will be more than happy to make appropriate announcements.
Mind you, that doesn’t mean I am slacking off entirely. It raises the next and final agenda item presented here today, on our fifth anniversary celebration. This is something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while and we are getting closer to a proper reveal sometime soon which will take place next year. I am aiming for April 4, ALIEN Day to make an announcement.
4). Unannounced HIDEOUS PLASTIC Project.
While the postponement of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – This time it’s more was definitely a hard decision to make, the pause in development has provided me with the opportunity to elevate another project to the fore. This is something I have been researching for the past two years but still not yet ready to reveal details. Nonetheless, this endeavor will be easier for me to complete, less expensive than embarking on another major publication and also substantially diversify what HIDEOUS PLASTIC has to offer. At this stage, it’s a worthy trade off and one that will be delivered in a shorter time frame, too.
Significantly, advancement of this project is currently being funded by sales of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream but entering into a full crowd funding campaign at some date in the future may be required to complete it. I am expecting that may happen in late 2022. Maybe earlier. We shall see how this new project advances. I’ve learned to keep my cards close to my chest on such things and I am not yet ready to make a full reveal just yet.
So there you have it. Notwithstanding the fact Covid-19 still firmly wraps itself in a stranglehold around the planet, HIDEOUS PLASTIC remains healthy and continues to grow. We’ll be around for a long time yet. We’re already halfway to celebrating our first decade; all during the continued unfolding events of a difficult global health issue of historical significance.
Thank you everyone for visiting and supporting this unique and 100% independent site. I don’t use paywalls or thrust out my hand for contributions or relentlessly canvass for money or insist on donations. I don’t even run a Patreon account. I keep this site advertisement free and if you want to support and see this project continue to grow, you can always purchase a copy of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream. …or maybe tell your friends about it. That helps, too.
Peace to you all, be kind to each other and remember, Covid has taught us all something. We have become a large community on a small planet, interconnected and closer than we ever were before. We’re all neighbours now. The rest is up to you.