eBay – “Magic Condition” ALIEN for Sale.

Lately there’s been an noticeable increase in people selling off their 1979 Kenner ALIEN toys in Australia. This “magic condition” figure has just been listed. It appears to be a good, clean piece with all of its parts in place, if not fully intact. This one is being sold by the owner for Au$999. A high price for sure and a closer look is warranted. At a glance, this item appears to be a near perfect example of the toy but the dome is in less than desirable condition for the asking price. Large cracks at the rear of the dome along with a pair of minor cracks towards the front mar its near perfect presentation. Sadly, these cracks will always be present regardless of how well they have been repaired. Make an offer. There’s no telling how long this item will remain available but he  won’t last long, regardless of the negotiable asking price.


UPDATED – ImPerfect Organisms – Kane with 2 Right Arms.

Continuing with my fascination with factory errored ALIEN products and stuff with wonky features, Kane with two right arms attached has now been added to the section dedicated to this kind of messed up junk, ImPerfect Organisms. I’m not even going to attempt to speculate on how errors of this nature happen during production. They just do; but there appears to be a great many samples of figures boasting anomalous features out there in the real world. A lot of them. I’ve only been able to document just a small sampling which are known to exist. Go check out the ALIEN freakshow where other ImPerfect Organisms such as this item now comfortably reside.


eBay – Limbless Kenner ALIEN for Sale.

Way back in the 1960s when I grew up, Australian toy manufacturer TOLTOYS released a game called Creepy Critters. This substantially incomplete ALIEN toy for sale on eBay reminds me of that old game. Just start with the torso and build your insect-like “creepy critter” by rolling a die and continue until all body parts have been added. A game of chance selection for kids. All you need is a torso and you can start building from there. Obviously there’s a lot of parts missing from this toy and it’s not priced to be sympathetic to anyone who may want to ‘DIY’ their own Kenner ALIEN. Nonetheless, it’s a good base for a complete rebuild. There’s signs of wear throughout the figure and you’ll need to spend a substantial amount of more coin just to acquire the parts necessary to complete it’s presentation. To do so, you’ll need: both arms, both legs and the tail just to get it to a basic presentable state. Those are relatively easy to find. The more elusive parts such as the head dome, dorsal crest and both tongue parts may present a challenge, both to your patience and your wallet. Nonetheless, some of these parts necessary to rebuild this item can already be found on eBay.

Providing the screws are present in the remnants of this vintage toy, you’re good to go! The screws, if missing, can be replaced with compatible screws used to assemble Kenner’s 1979 Star Wars Millennium Falcon play set. Those are readily available in abundance on eBay. Once the screws have been removed, this item should be easy to pry apart to work on the reconstruction, providing no glue has been used in fastening both torso halves halves together. One quick message to the seller regarding the use of glue on this wonderful incomplete relic may be wise. Otherwise, this rebuild project may come to a grinding halt if both halves are assembled with adeshive. Having said all the above, this item is the perfect opportunity to build your own extraterrestrial creepy critter. You just need to roll a 1, first.


eBay – Kenner ALIEN Crest for Sale.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of these much sought after loose body parts for a 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy for sale on eBay. This crest is currently listed for US$99.99. Sure, it’s a little pricey for a small piece of worn plastic but these old toys occupy a very unique place in the history books in every sense of the definition.This sample is a little rough around the edges with some burring along the connectors with other minor imperfections present. Nonetheless, this item is a genuine piece salvaged from a forty year old vintage toy and not a reproduction part. Prices like this are commonplace, matching the demand for these elusive parts. Along with the dome that sits on the head (and to a lesser degree, the dual tongue halves) this item is the most sought after body part for collectors wanting to complete their own Kenner ALIEN toy. An estimated 60-70% of surviving samples of the toy released in 1979 now lack this odd shaped piece. It’s worth watching just to witness the duration of the sale and see how long it takes to sell. Someone will buy it. It won’t take long, even at this price.
