
If you need answers to questions regarding the book, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream?  You will probably find them all here.  I’ll update as necessary.  If you want to contact me, please do so.

Q. Is this book available yet?
A. Yes. HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream is now available. You can purchase it directly from the Author, online. Currently it is available on eBay, worldwide. I am working to have it available via other services. The book will be shipped from Australia.

Q. Will this book be about Alien action figures other than the 1979 Kenner item?
A. Yes. It will contain information about very specific figures other than the 1979 Kenner ALIEN and it explores how these items are directly related to the original Kenner toy. You’ll find some investigation into the 1984, 1995 and 1997 Tsukuda Hobby versions of the figure. Also present is the 1991 Halcyon product along with additional information about more recent releases from today’s manufacturers, Gentle Giant and Super 7.

All of these figures are documented in the book as they were either derived directly from the original 1979 Kenner item or are themselves tribute figures expressly influenced or affected by it in other important and irrevocable ways. They are all part of its story so are deemed essential for inclusion.

Q. Will this book contain information about the Kenner ALIENS action figures of the 1990’s?
A. No. While Kenner’s ALIENS, ALIENS vs PREDATOR and ALIEN: Resurrection items of the 1990’s are briefly touched on by the content of HIDEOUS PLASTIC, expecting any extensive documentation on these items is outside the scope of this volume.  This book’s attention is focused primarily on the original 1979 action figure and its derivatives.

Importantly, ALIEN figures such as the 1990s Kenner ALIENS items are intended to be covered extensively in the proposed follow up volumes, HIDEOUS PLASTIC Vol.s 2&3.  Both books are currently in early stages of development.

Q. If this is an unofficial Project, then isn’t it going to get ‘Foxed’?
A. This is a valid concern. Nonetheless, I am safeguarding against such action as much as possible. I take my responsibilities in this regard very seriously and recognise 20th Century Fox’ – and other companies – rights.

I have been working under the advice of a Trademark Attorney, a professional in his field with 35 years experience in this area, since January 2016. Under the guidance of this Intellectual Property Consultant, I am endeavoring to ensure that the book’s content is compliant with copyright laws.

I would love to have 20th Century Fox involvement in this Project as the Legitimacy their recognition here would be of immeasurable value.  Nonetheless, ample Professional legal advice has been provided to proceed to completion without their involvement.

Q.  How long have you been working on HIDEOUS PLASTIC?
A. Work commenced on the book towards the end of June, 2015. Since then, I have been engaged in substantial research, planning, collating, action figure restoration work, writing and taking hundreds of photos. Many, many hours of work, effort and personal resources have been committed to this Project. The end result is proof this book is a major piece of work unlike any other ALIEN printed resource previously published.

 HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream is now published and ready for purchase. See links elsewhere on this page.

Q. Is the book really 300 pages long?  Is there really enough content for a book of that size to be dedicated to a single action figure?
A. Yes. To say the least, this surprised me, too. There is easily enough content for a book of this length to document the vintage 1979 ALIEN action figure. The final published book is a staggering 300 pages. What’s equally surprising, there is cut content that didn’t make it into the book. Nonetheless, the publisher has set a 300 page limit and we have to stay within this boundary to keep the final sent item, including packaging under 1kg.

Q.  Will you be releasing any content of the book prior to publishing?
A. Yes. A FREE Preview Edition representing approximately 10% of the book’s content is already available and you can DOWNLOAD IT NOW if you want to inspect the book’s first chapter. Think of it as a demo or free sample of what you can expect to appear in the book.

Q.  When will the book be available for purchase?
A. This book is available now.  You can purchase it internationally. Copies are sent from Australia.

Q. I want to help you out?  How can I do that?
A.  So you want to help? That is fantastic! Thank you; and I appreciate your enthusiasm and preparedness to contribute. The book is now published and available. So in this regard I really don’t need any help.

On the other hand, if you still want to assist, you could help by spreading the word. If you know someone who is interested in ALIEN, the movie; or ALIEN action figures; or who is a toy enthusiast, then please link them to this site. Support in this regard is very welcome!

Facebook, twitter, YouTube and other social media users who are better than I am at these things will be needed to help promote and raise public awareness and are most welcome.

So yes, any help in this regard is gratefully appreciated.

Q. Will there be any digital/.pdf downloadable version of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream.?

No. I am sorry there will be no digital version available. This is a question I have been asked a lot. As much as I would like to provide such a version, both my publisher and legal advisor strongly recommended against this option. I am compelled to comply with their advice so a digital version is not possible.

Q. What do you plan to do beyond HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream?
A. That depends on how successful this book is. If response is favourable, this book will be the first part of a proposed trilogy. I already have preliminary plans, a road map laid out  and the groundwork in place for two additional Volumes. The publisher is already on board to do so and all the necessary infrastructure is also in place to support them. However, discussing these proposed follow up volumes in any detail is premature at this point. I also prefer to not create any confusion by doing so at this early stage in their development.

More than anything else it’s one thing at a time, please. The intended trilogy is a massive undertaking and I need to complete this Volume, HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream, first. Nonetheless, here’s a pair of mock up covers for the proposed follow up publications.  While it is too early to discuss them right now, they do provide some insight into the intended content for volumes 2&3.

That will do for now. Thank you for reading. Please send me any questions you may  have. I will do my best to answer them.
