My strange journey into the nefarious realm of bootleg and knock off ALIEN action figures starts with some notorious samples. Kenner ALIENS action figures were extensively made by Mexican pirate industry and cheaply reproduced with little care or attention to detail during the 1990s. As a result, these rip off toys are easily spotted and have earned reputation of being trashy knock-offs of the lowest possible quality.
In this regard, it’s no surprise to learn the reputation of these low quality, cheaply made bootleg toys have become sought after collectible items during the passing years. Dates and production details are often lacking on these poor production quality items. These misgivings are the beginning of what marks these forlorn items as collectible today.
This page is dedicated to Mexican Kenner bootleg ALIEN and ALIENS vs PREDATOR toys.

- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1994)
The many travesties that comprise the Mexican bootleg market are among the most outlandish, ludicrous and hilarious examples found in the unlicenced product market place. This particular figure being a perfect example. For these reasons, it’s one of my favourite bootlegs and I am happy to celebrate its notoriety here.
Very little is known about these figures except how deficient they are in all aspects of their production. This particular sample is an unashamedly coarse hybridisation of a pair of Kenner ALIEN action figures recast into a singular duplicitous commodity. The body and limbs are cast from Kenner’s 1992 Scorpion Alien action figure while the head is unceremoniously substituted with a 1994 AvP Warrior Alien. The similarities to these source items are undeniable.
To further complement the rude marriage of these parts, the color scheme of red and silver on this dark plastic figure has been applied by hand without any masks or stencils. What’s more, the application appears to have all the technical skill and precision of a 4 year old finger painting. Considering this item is less than legally licenced product, it’s very likely that such may actually be the case here. Sadly, child labor would not be out of the question as part of the labor force involved in the production of these items.
Notwithstanding such speculations, this is an amazing piece of work – albeit, for all the wrong reasons.
Here’s a different sample of the same figure. This one is somewhat weathered and lost much of its paint work. It’s still very obviously a reproduction version of Kenner’s Scorpion Alien figure with an AvP Alien Warrior head mounted on it.
- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1992)
These items are similarly derived once again from Kenner’s 1992 Scorpion Alien action figure. It has been commandeered for the purpose of producing these Mexican bootleg toys. The Scorpion Alien is the most frequently repurposed – nay, abducted – for the task of acquiring ill gotten gains in this regard and these half silver painted half raw sea blue plastic figures are prime examples.
This Alien is curiously packed along with a partially assembled bootleg Batman figure in a ‘SUPER HEROES’ package. It provides a welcome insight into the packaging that is typical of such figures. The bag ‘n’ tag arrangement makes no mention of any manufacturer details or its year of production. Only the text ‘Made in Mexico‘ and ‘Not recommend for children under 3 years old – contains pieces that can be swallowed‘ can be found printed in Spanish on the header tag. I guess we can all be grateful at least the most basic age recommendation and parental warning is present.
Inverting the package reveals how cheaply manufactured this item truly is. The rear of the Alien is a deep cavity, leaving a torso sized gaping space where the Alien’s dorsal features would normally appear. The empty space not only serves to highlight how brazenly poor production values on these items are; but also marks it simultaneously as a target for deserved derision and wild celebration of cheap bootleg junk at its best – or worst – if you are that way inclined.
After all, this sample is in ‘Mint’ condition and still in its original unopened, unpunched packaging! It may even be worth a small fortune. One day. Who can ever be certain?
Below is a similar arrangement with another silver fronted blue scorpion sample. This one is packed with a bootleg version of Spiderman. You gotta laugh at it, right..?

- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1992)
Here is another fine pair of example of Kenner bootlegs from Mexico courtesy of Steve Dwyer. This is a pair of unpainted castings of the Scorpion Alien packaged together. Much like the ‘mix and mis-matched’ items posted above, this pair of yellow and blue unpainted pirated ALIENS samples are packaged with other toys of questionable origin. In this case, a pair of bootleg Ninja Men vending machine figures accompanies these of Mexican Alien figures. The lack of any printing on the folded card sealing the bag is testimony to how cheap production on these figures actually was.
Here’s a green version of the same bootleg figure. Note how the item is clearly derived from the original Kenner Scorpion Alien figure released in 1992.
Vibrant colored figures such as these are common and were probably dictated by whatever material was available to the manufacturer on any given day. The cavities present in the backs of many of these ALIENS figures indicate they are cast from the same molds. Pirated versions of the Kenner Scorpion Alien figure have been known to be recast in a wide variety of vibrant, individual colors (Bright yellow, purple, red, etc.) and are frequently unpainted. The line up of bootleg Scorpion Aliens below owned by Horacio Narvaez dramatically demonstrates the wider range this particular figure was cast in. Colour choice extends well beyond what is listed here, too, as purple and other colours are definitely known to exist.
Taking a closer look at the blue figure, third from the left in the line up above, reveals some interesting details worthy of note. Investigating it closely, it becomes obvious the left arm does not belong to this figure. Instead, the limb has been replaced with a robotic appendage. It is unknown why this is the case. It is possible this sample is unique and the manufacturer simply ran out of left arms for the figure and used whatever was at hand (hah!) to complete it; or possibly the entire production run for the blue figure variant enjoyed this mismatched feature. Either are a very real possibilities.
It’s interesting to note inside the hollow back of the blue figure can be found a price sticker displaying the name of the store this item was originally purchased, confirming at least this particular sample was sold loose, without packaging.
- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1992)
While the Scorpion Alien was a popular figure for bootlegging, many other toys from Kenners 1990s ALIENS line also shared the same ignominious treatment. This bootleg Gorilla Alien is as sturdy and as robust as its genuine counterpart. However, much like all the items on this page, this is an unlicenced reproduction figure made in Mexico. Effectively making it a prize example of an ‘illegal Alien from Mexico’.
This figure boasts most of the articulation of the original figure it was derived from. However, the squeeze bulb at the back of the head used to squirt water from its mouth has been cast solid like the rest of the figure thus making it impossible to ‘spit acid’. Furthermore, the articulation for the arm grabbing action is completely removed from this sample, reducing the movement of the arms significantly.

- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1992)
Here’s another fine selection of bootleg Kenner ALIENS figures, images courtesy of Marc Cawiezel. Once again, the usual low standards in every department are prevalent with these samples. Packaging is a mash up of card art released by Kenner in the 1990’s. The usual dodgy casts and laughably bad paint applications are present throughout and do nothing to convince you this is a quality item.
Included in this wonderful assortment of woeful production values can be found pirated versions of Kenner’s Scorpion and Boar Alien figures along with a pair of Hicks figures, each one of them at their most dubious.
Each one is shocking, wonderful, intriguing and laughable – all in a single sweep of questionable product. Good for the wrong reasons, like some of Sy-Fy Channel’s terrible, cheaply made for television exploitation movies.
- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1992)
Here she is, the Queen Xenomorph – in glorious bootleg form. The Queen Alien was in no way exempt from being pirated and here is a fine example of Her mounted on imitation Kenner card.
Along with the Queen, three other known bootleg ALIENS toys were available in the reduced 3 inch format. These purloined Kenner ALIENS action figures were made in Mexico late last century. Like the ‘mini’ version of the Queen Alien, each of these other figures (Scorpion, Bull and Gorilla Aliens) are smaller than other official Kenner ALIENS figures that these unofficial samples are derived from. These clandestine products feature no articulation and are completely solid.
Here is the complete known set of four figures on 7.5×4.75 inch card in the diminutive 3 inch range. Images are provided courtesy of Marc Cawiezel.

- Product Line: ALIENS (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Mexico
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1997)
Of course, the cross-over property of ALIENS vs PREDATOR isn’t exempt from falling victim to clandestine merchandise practices, either. Here we have a selection of bootlegged Kenner ALIENS characters re-purposed for the tie in (Images courtesy of Marc Cawiezel once again; and these items have been added to this article since it was originally published.). Apparently, all the human (like) identities appearing in this line up of questionable product are ‘MONSTER’ characters. Can’t argue with that in terms of execution and presentation.
Whilst this set of figures depicts cards with backing images, there’s no guarantee that all characters listed on the reverse sides of these cards were ever made to be available – on the other hand, variants of known figures are just as likely. Especially in terms of paint scheme applications and general production quality. Such bootlegs can dramatically differ from one sample to the next. There are no guarantees whatsoever with bootleg action figures, either implied or otherwise.
Note the card art also features metal floor trim borders on the front and back. This art element is lifted directly from packaging originally appearing on the Kenner (Hasbro) Signature Series of action ALIEN: Resurrection action figures. This design element along with the line of figures from that series promoted on the back of the card dates this line of shamelessly pirated toys no earlier than 1997.
Completely spurious in all details yet absolutely strange and wondrous stuff. Magnificent.
- Product Line: Army Heroes Force – Peace Keepers
- Manufacturer: Distributed by Polyfect Toys
- Country: China
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1993)
The Army Heroes Force range were a generic brand of military toy available at discount outlets and cheap gift stores. These blister mounted card backed figures used Kenner ALIENS colonial marine characters as a source to create their product. The undeniable details are there, just sitting below the surface of a military green paint finish along with a few extra grenades sculpted into their torsos. Drake, Apone, Hicks and other Kenner colonial marines were blatantly recast by the manufacturer with swapped out heads and minor features re-sculpted to create this derivative run of unidentified “peace keepers”. A variety of assault & bullpup rifles, shotguns, pistols and other “military weapons and accessories” were packaged with each figure.
Out of packet samples reveal how cheaply made these items really were with screws placed in their backs to assemble them and features such as bandolier straps remaining unpainted. Of most curious note is what suspiciously appears to be the repurposing of Ripley’s head grafted onto a generic male “peace keeper” body. Which then begs the question, paraphrased of course from ALIENS, “Hey, Ripley! Have you ever been mistaken for a man?”
Images provided with permission to use by Kenner ALIENS vs PREDATOR action figure Facebook group members, Brian D. and Marc Cawiezel.

- Product Line: ALIEN (Kenner)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Country: Unknown
- Released: Unknown (Not before 1984)
Finally, this bootleg vinyl kit is a garage item of unknown origin but was possibly manufactured in Turkey. It is cast from molds generated from the 1984 Tsukuda Hobby ALIEN Jumbo Figure No.2. This is significant because the Japanese figure this is recast from is a derivative item that can trace its origin back to the original 1979 Kenner ALIEN action figure. Therefore, making this item an indirect – albeit one generation removed – bootleg figure of the older Kenner ALIEN Toy.
For more information regarding this curiosity, you can read the article dedicated to the Bootleg 1984 Tsukuda Hobby ALIEN vinyl kit here on HIDEOUS PLASTIC.
- This page is Part 1 – and just the very start – of our investigation into bootleg and knock offs of ALIEN toys and action figures. Can things get any stranger along this poorly signposted path? Read on and find out…
Part 1: Kenner – Bootleg Kenner ALIEN action figures.
Part 2: Mexican Oddities – Other dodgy unlicenced stuff from Mexico
Part 3: Imitations – The very strange world of not quite licenced ALIEN figures.
Part 4: Unexplained Phenomena – Mashups and curiosities of dubious origins.