How Popular are Lanard Toys ALIENS?

Recently released, Lanard Toys may have hit gold with the release of their new range of ALIENS themed budget toys. That is, toys based on R-rated movies and sold with kids in mind. Of course, it’s not children who are buying them off shelves in significant numbers, it’s adults. Take Brian Quinlan’s recent purchase. Here’s a man with his priorities sorted out good and proper as this Walmart receipt testifies.  Five ALIEN toys …and some beer. The beer is almost an afterthought. Brian managed to buy 5 of the 6 items featured in this toy line and was happy to tell me The completist in me needs to get the power loader set (but it) wasn’t on the shelf.”  Sounds good to me. I bet Brian may have to chase it down – importantly, it may give him the excuse he needs to buy more beer. Go get ’em Brian!

This is no isolated purchase, either.  I’ve seen many people post their recent Lanard Toys hauls on Facebook.  The enormous lurid purple Queen Alien appears to be very popular.  There also appears to be no restrictions on who is purchasing these toys either as both men and women of varying age are rapidly snapping up these delightful bubble gum incarnations of children’s effigies based on face ripping space monsters.

Brian continued to tell meMy 8 year old spotted me bringing them in and wants to crack them open. So they’re doing their job as intended. Sounds like Junior is in for a real treat. Importantly, if you want the next generation to grow up loving these weird ass toys as much as you do, now that’s you do it.

Lanard Toys range of ALIEN toys are currently only available exclusively at Walmart in the US with retail outlets stocking them in other countries in March. What is all the fuss is about? Though it appears adults are buying them for themselves more than for their children, check out these wonderful ALIEN toys for children below.

All images courtesy of Brian Quinlan.  Thank you, Brian.


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