UPDATE: This listing has ended. Sold for US$110.00
Here’s something you don’t see every day. This beat up old toy is RARE! RARE! RARE! It’s a 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy on eBay! Nah. Don’t believe it. It’s complete bullshit. These things are not rare; and Yes. They do appear on eBay every day. Look. Here’s another one.
This one has had his head severed …and mutilated at the neck. Is all hope lost for this forlorn, broke ass old toy? Nope. Not at all. The seller wants US$125 for it. Let’s take a closer look at this figure and see what can be done with him.
One of the big problems with these old toys is the styrene they are made of is aging. They’re 40 years old now and they are becoming brittle as time creeps on. It’s a natural and inexorable process of deterioration. And it’s unavoidable. What’s more, it’s unfortunate that gravity is their greatest enemy and any drop could damage the fragile figure with ease and severed heads of this nature are common.
Repairing such damage is tricky. Attempts to use glue can be foiled by not using correct adhesive appropriate to the old styrene. Such poor choices may result in the head not staying affixed for long or for the adhesive itself dissolve the figure. I’ve also seen heat treatment used in an attempt to fasten the severed head by melting it back on – and of course such treatment damages the figure further in the process.
This particular sample of the toy is featuring some melting damage to the figure at the severed point on the neck. Such a method not only risks damaging the head further but also risks damaging the top of the torso as well. This is also present on this figure. Needless to say, repair techniques that further damage the figure – especially parts that are free of damage – is highly undesirable – and the damage done to the torso is also unnecessary.
Does the damaged head and torso parts mean the end for this figure? No. There are still good options available but expecting this sample to possess anything other than a coarse presentation if repaired again is simply asking too much. This damage cannot be concealed even if repaired properly. It will always be visible at the neck. That being said, the figure can still be used to create a custom figure. Messed up samples like this one are perfect for modifying even further, taking advantage of the ruined toy and creating a unique art object out of it. I own several custom Kenner ALIEN toys myself, made up from ruined parts very similar to this one. Customising is fun And ruined pieces are preferred for this purpose than those in a good state.
The other option is very useful to someone who may actually need this figure. Many of the parts on this toy are very salvageable. While the head and torso exhibit irreparable damage, other parts such as both arms, legs, tail and the quad dorsal appendage on its back are all useful as replacement parts on one or more Kenner figures that need these items. Think of this sample as a styrene organ donor for other 40 year old play things and it’s usefulness is beyond it’s worth as a wrecked old toy. Cannibalising it and extracting the good pieces to fix a Kenner ALIEN toy in your possession will definitely make this purchase a very viable option.
Any parts remaining from such rebuilds can then be turfed back on eBay and sold. You might even get your money back. Don’t forget the damaged torso and head! That can go back on there as well. Believe me. Someone will want them. However, US$125 is a bit much to ask for this item. Around US$70-90 is fair.