eBay – 1979 Kenner ALIEN Poster for Sale.

UPDATE: This item is now sold.

Here’s something I’ve not seen in a while – I guess not for about a month, actually.  It’s a 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy inclusion poster for sale on eBay. This one is Super CHEAP! …and being sold for a paltry US $59.88! MYERS BARGAIN BASEMENT SALE MATERIAL!These vintage B&W items are relatively uncommon, appearing on eBay once a month or so. As such, these double sided posters tend to fetch prices much higher than this item advertised for US$60 and frequently do break the three digit ceiling. Fetching an excess US$100 isn’t unusual or unheard of for a copy of this single sheet. In which case, why is this sample so (relatively) cheap, then?

Simple. It’s damaged. There are a pair of holes in the sheet of precious paper, which is  damage possibly caused by silverfish or other noxious pest. This imperfect condition will dramatically affect the value of the item, substantially lowering – even halving – the price.

So, is it really worth US$60 in the current collector marketplace where people around the world are hunkering down against the global health crisis of covid-19? Well, that depends on whether it sells, or not. If it sells, then sure. It’s worth it; that is, if you crave a wrinkled, partially moth eaten and worn B&W poster featuring art and instructions for an old toy no one loved, then contact the seller. He may sell it to you for less.

Maybe only US$50.


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