Looking for a Kenner ALIEN action figure in a box? You’re in luck! Right now, no less than seven of these highly sought after vintage toys are available on eBay right now. Ranging in quality from severely beat up boxes to reasonably presentable, including one toy still attached to it’s red card insert. Any one of these desirable items is commanding a price tag of over US$1,000. While none of these items can be considered to be in pristine condition, it’s unusual to note that boxed Kenner ALIEN toys currently for sale on eBay outnumber loose samples without any packaging. Not bad for an action figure that’s more than forty years old. All of these samples are US pressings of the toy and most are being sold in the US with Japan also being represented. Recently, one listed in Argentina was also available (but this selection was a quick search result and for all I know it may still be available). So, at least seven are available as of this writing. This will change rapidly as these eventually sell.
People claim this toy is rare. It’s not; and it is estimated Kenner manufactured up to 150,000 units in the US and Canada, many of which were shipped globally. What is it that drives the price so high on these old toys if scarcity isn’t an issue? Several things can be attributed to its demand. Reputation is the major factor. This was the first commercial toy based on an R-rated movie – and it was marketed to children. It was expected to sell in huge volume but failed miserably at retail. Conservative parental groups hounded Kenner and retail outlets to remove the toy from sale. And so on…The reputation grows – and so does the price.
As a result, the toy has since garnered an appreciative following among fans and collectors. Recommended retail price upon release was around US$15 but soon thereafter, it was discounted and many were sold for under US$5.00 to clear unwanted stock. Now, one of these toys in a pristine box can sell for four hundred (400!) times that amount. Nonetheless, the ever increasing value of less than perfect samples available as second hand items is testimony to its reputation being the driving force behind its value rather than its availability.