This forty year old vintage Kenner ALIEN toy is for sale and is “feature complete”. It’s all there. The characteristic dome and dorsal crest often missing from these old toys are both present. Keep in mind, however, this item has been populated with reproduction parts in order to bring it up to a display worthy status. Neither the dome or the crest are original parts. It is currently on offer by the seller for US$324.99.It’s been said many times before and the use of reproduction parts are very much divided in collector’s opinions and arguments from both sides are valid. On one hand, for many people, there is no other option than to use reproduction items. About 90% of all Kenner ALIEN toys today lack the dome; and around 70% are missing the crest. It makes sense to owners of the toy who want it to appear “feature complete” to use such parts when genuine parts are so rare. They are in high demand and priced much, much higher when you do find them. There’s a small industry surrounding the creation of facsimile items.
On the other hand, such reproductions can be confused with original pieces, especially by people not familiar with the toy, thinking they’re getting a bargain. It’s too easy for someone to look at some of these pieces and be convinced they’re legitimate. From a collector’s stand point, this is a real issue. Counterfeit and reproduction items litter all manner of market places where collectors have problems regarding suspicious origins. Antiques. Paintings. Art of all kinds. Historical artifacts and vintage toys such as what we have here, are all collector markets infiltrated by dubious industries producing what amounts to unlicenced bootleg items and worth substantially less than the original it is copied from and often victimising buyers believing they are purchasing something much more valuable.
What it really comes down to is knowing what you’re purchasing. Do your research before you fork out hundreds of dollars on an old toy.
Here the seller, a well known individual in the community, openly states multiple times in this listing this figure is populated with reproduction parts and also identifies their source. It’s a fair call. Nothing is being concealed or can be claimed to be deceitful here by any buyers. Unlike some vendors who use such parts to dramatically escalate the value of such fraudulent parts, this seller is placing the onus on the purchaser. Know what you are buying.
The figure itself has been given a full work over, as well. The arms have been repaired and it looks like a decent piece. The head paint is clean. The tongue parts work. Is it worth US$325? Considering the seller is a well known restorer of these old toys, you can bet some of that cost of this sale is due to the time spent working on this sample and bring it up to this standard. All the work is done for you.
At the end of the day it’s a simple fact. Reproduction parts are a permanent feature of the collector landscape and will forever be so. If you purchase this item, you can always just remove the dome and crest. It won’t damage or negatively affect the figure by doing so. It’s still a vintage Kenner ALIEN regardless of the presence of these items. I have known people who have purchased such reproduction pieces for their Kenner ALIEN toys and then been in the fortunate position to be able to discard them, replacing them with legitimate parts acquired at a later date.
While arguments will always be present surrounding the use of such parts, both for and against their use, it’s also worth considering this option.
Repro parts can also be used as “placeholder” pieces until genuine parts are acquired; it’s owning the “base” ALIEN figure where the real value lies.