eBay – Kenner ALIEN Box for Sale.

Sure, it’s a little battered and worn, missing the front window pane but if you want just the box for your Kenner ALIEN toy, this one is now listed on Ebay. Bidding started at just US$1.00, which is really a fair price. After all, it is an empty box. No could possibly want to spend too much on a beat up old box, right?

Bidding now sits at a comfortable $127.50 with three days to go. Bidding started at just US$1.00 for this mutilated package item. There are significant tears and other deformations throughout the box but it does include the red insert card. No figure or poster is included. It’s just the empty box being offered for sale. Nonetheless, these four decades old vintage boxes are in high demand. How much will this item eventually sell for? It could easily sell for well in excess of US$200. It will be interesting to watch and see how much this item escalates during bidding and is notable to gauge for determining what the value of one of these boxes actually is. Even if it is empty and in the decrepit and substantially less than desirable condition this sample certainly is.


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