eBay – Custom ALIEN and Box for Sale.

Every now and again something a little different pops up on eBay. This 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy has been customised and now listed on eBay for sale at US$635. This one has been popping up for a while and the seller has been decreasing the Buy Now price steadily over the last few weeks. Now is a good time to take a closer look at this item. This figure has been painted over to give the appearance of the creature more closely resembling how it appears in the movie. Gone is the near black presentation of the original toy to be replaced with shades of brown and dark grey. It’s a full body paint over that lends itself well to the toy, highlighting much of the figure’s superb details. He’s all there, too. No pieces are missing.

The dome has been given a makeover to match the figure and the treatment also extends to the details beneath it. Such a treatment of the head will deprive it of its glow in the dark ability, but preserving this feature is obviously outside the scope of the artist’s intention. The sacrifice is necessary. I love this modified sample. Customised Kenner ALIEN toys like this are a lot of fun. I have several such modified Kenner ALIEN toys in my collection.
There’s more than just a figure available in this listing, too. Also included is the original box, which is in a somewhat shabby condition and a little worse for wear; along with the B&W poster. Again, the poster is in a less than perfect state but its presence makes this listing a complete package.

It’s a fascinating treatment of the old Kenner ALIEN toy and if you’re looking to add one to your collection that offers a little more unique personality via customisation, this one can be treated as a creative art object making it a worthy choice.


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