eBay – Incomplete Kenner ALIEN for Sale.

There are so many 1979 Kenner ALIEN toys for sale on eBay right now, it’s a wonder how anyone can consider them to be rare. Here’s one selling at a decent price, US$249. Sure, he’s in less than perfect condition at that price but these old vintage toys are not going to become any cheaper. It’s value then isn’t attributed to its scarceness but rather its reputation.This one is missing the head dome; and the dorsal crest mounted between its shoulders is also absent. Other than that, it’s relatively complete. Oh, yeah. The left arm is severed – but that’s an easy repair, if you’re prepared to disassemble the figure. Not a difficult proposition and I’ve repaired dozens of these old toys over the years. The mouth parts, including both halves of the tongue are all present and the figure looks to be complete without any other breakages. I’m sure this average condition figure will sell.

After more than forty years, these old toys are still relatively common. They are not rare as many people insist and their value can be attributed to several factors. Notable among these are the the fact the 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy was the first toy based on an R-rated movie to be made commercially. On top of that marketing faux pas is the fact this wonderful piece of grotesguerie was promoted to be sold to children “AGES 5 AND UP”. This all occurred at a point in pop culture history when the adult toy collector market was nigh non-existent and only nascent at best. The toy caused quite a stir within social circles of conservative parents forty four years ago. The ALIEN toy has since landed it with this unique reputation that can never be matched. It’s this unparalleled quality that has imbued this eighteen inch tall with the demand it has earned itself among ALIEN fans and toy collectors around the world.

Rare, it is not; but there can never be another reputation like the 1979 Kenner ALIEN. Ever. It’s just simply not possible.


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