eBay – Kenner ALIEN and Box for Sale.

1979 Kenner ALIEN toys are coming out of the woodwork, all over the place lately. This one is listed for auction on eBay right now. It’s not exactly in premium condition but it does include the box. Mind you, the box itself is a long way from being in a desirable state, and that’s obvious. What’s not so obvious are the other concerns this four decades old vintage toy may possess. Let’s get in close to see what’s on offer here.
The first issue of note is the dome seated on the head of the figure. This body part is a reproduction piece being included in this listing. So while the figure is “feature complete”, it’s not 100% original. The figure also had work performed on its arms. The aging rubber anchors holding the limbs in place on these old toys have weakened during the past four and a half decades, leaving arms frequently hanging limp by its sides. To be able to hold its arms forward in a grasping pose this item is capable, these anchors need to be replaced. The old rubber anchors just won’t support the weight of the limbs extended like this.

The box is original but in a severely battered state and the problems with its condition extend well beyond being populated with creases and heavy wear. Some print details are absent from the upper front section of the box. On a closer inspection, it is missing the “AGES 5 AND UP” recommendation on the upper right. This is due to the upper front portion of the window and hinged top being torn away and lost. A replacement top has been fabricated using corrugated cardboard and colored with marker pens to match the rest of the box. Like the figure included, the box itself features replacement parts. No B&W instruction sheet poster is included in the listing.

The final item to call to a potential buyer’s attention is the fact these old toys are not rare. Scarcity is not an issue with these toys. Right now, there are more than a dozen of these  old toys available on eBay in a wide variety of conditions. This has been the case contiguously for many years, now. This fact alone is testimony to these items not being rare. Don’t let such claims influence you. Do your own search on eBay for “1979 Kenner ALIEN” and find out for yourself. You’ll be surprised how many there are. You might want to look elsewhere before settling on bidding for this item.


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