eBay – Kenner ALIEN Parts for Sale.

A small clutch of loose Kenner ALIEN parts have been listed on Ebay. A head and both right and left legs are being offered as loose items to buyers wanting to purchase parts to repair/replace items on their old ALIEN toy. There’s nothing particularly rare or outstanding in this trio but if you want ’em, here they are.
US$64.49 – Left Leg. Clean and unbroken.
US$64.49 – Right Leg. Clean and unbroken.
US$78.99 – Head. Showing obvious signs of wear, scuff marks with chips to vac metal teeth coating and abrasions on the glow in the dark paint. Missing tongue parts and dome. Jaw activation mechanism works.
US$129.99 – Both torso halves, tail and quad appendages. Front and rear torso halves are in good condition. All 8 mounting pins present inside shoulders show light wear but otherwise unbroken. The tail is complete and attached with corroded serrated clip. No screws for assembling the torso halves appear to be present in the listing.

These parts are getting expensive and they’re neither difficult to find nor particularly rare parts of the figure. Nonetheless, after four decades such individually available parts can be invaluable to someone who needs them.


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