ALIEN Romulus – Popcorn Bucket.

The much discussed but largely unknown ALIEN Romulus xenomorph head popcorn bucket has enjoyed a full reveal in a video released on X, today. The Cinemark bucket features a hinged, flip top lid that can be used to stow a sizeable amount of popcorn inside.
The bucket clearly resembles an Alien head. Curiously, it is not based on the designs we have seen to date appearing in ALIEN Romulus. The bucket design appears to be lifted directly from the creatures seen in ALIEN Covenant. A great design in its own right – just seven years too late. Nonetheless, this looks like a wild item for a popcorn bucket. Once contents are consumed, it could be used to stow any number of things inside. Wads of cash, your stash of weed, your old socks; or maybe, y’know? Just leave it on display in your collection. This isn’t the only Alien themed popcorn bucket we’ll see become available upon release of ALIEN Romulus. Another bucket featuring a facehugger attached to the outside is also known to become available. Release information, prices and availability are unknown at this stage for either of these items.


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