NEW SECTION – Movie Reviews.

Every now and then I add a new area to HIDEOUS PLASTIC as it continues to slowly grow. Right now, there’s a bundle of long established, well populated sections dedicated to toys and action figures, as this site is dedicated to these items. This isn’t a movie review site per se; so there’s not much content in this regard. ALIEN Romulus is being released next month and I will be reviewing it here. As part of preparing the site for other content based on this upcoming movie, a NEW section dedicated to ALIEN movies has been added. For fast and easy access to this new area, an image with a link to the new section, MOVIE REVIEWS has also been added to the sidebar at right of this site’s front page. Scroll down, if you need to. It’s there.
I reviewed ALIEN Covenant upon release back in 2017 and it’s already been added to the Movie Reviews section. This means at least some content is present and it’s not going to be a blank slate until mid August when ALIEN Romulus is released. Nonetheless, the review for the hotly anticipated new movie is coming. I’ll post News of the review when it’s ready. That will happen sometime around mid August. I’m looking forward to this movie. I’ll be here to provide my opinion of it then.


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