Here’s a cool video posted by GeekCulture on Facebook of what appear to be an ALIEN Romulus FACEHUGGER PHONE HOLDER. No details are available other than the video.
It appears to be a fully licenced product, complete with black professionally made window box packaging and legitimate 20th Century Studios markings and badges. The holder itself appears to be fully appointed with wire cores inserted into all of its eight limbs and tail. This makes the item capable of being manipulated in a wide variety of poses and attach to anything it can wrap its legs and/or tail around. No details of the manufacturer, pricing or availability accompany the GeekCulture video on Facebook.
Where Can I purchase
Good question, to which I don’t have an answer. I haven’t even been able to adequately identify the manufacturer of this item. Sorry I can’t be of any assistance here.
Amazon “facehugger phone holder”
Terrific! Thank you. 🙂
Sometimes good things just drop into your lap. Right place. Right time. …and the ability to jump at the opportunity. Well done.
I’m lucky enough to have one of these. My wife worked on some of the trailers for the movie, and these were given out as thank you promo items. We also got a hat with the Alien: Romulus logo on the front and Weyland/Yutani logo on the back.