ALIEN Romulus – Popcorn bucket SOLD OUT.

Word has it that various Cinemark outlets selling the much anticipated ALIEN Romulus popcorn bucket, a replica of the Alien head, has already sold out in many cinemas. Quite an accomplishment considering the movie won’t be released until August 15. A solid two weeks remain until release date and these curious items have disappeared from theaters fast and already started to reappear on eBay for significantly more than original retail price. The original retail price being around US$30.
These highly anticipated items are limited and in very high demand. It’s no surprise that these sold out items are now appearing on eBay at tremendously inflated prices. Such is the fate of such collectibles. Get in quick or be prepared to be priced gouged in ways that should be declared criminal. After all, it’s just a plastic Alien head! …that you can use to stow popcorn in! The wild, woolly and weird component of the product has made it an instant bestseller – and it is now SOLD OUT! at least full two weeks prior to the movie’s release. If you want to be brave enough and purchase one on eBay, then here ya go.


3 thoughts on “ALIEN Romulus – Popcorn bucket SOLD OUT.

  1. I’ve got the Super 7 Halloween Bucket. I refuse tonpay 100$ plus for something that cost 26$ . Nope . Alien fan. Not idiot.

    • I find it astonishing there’s such a ruckus over a popcorn bucket. I wouldn’t mind having one, but it’s way, way, waaaay outside of any priority I have to do so.

  2. Not that I’m interested in this thing but its a shame. The whole point is to buy this in the theater to enjoy with the movie. Scalpers that do this should be beaten to an inch of their lives and the fools that buy it are idiots.

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