Let’s talk about some rare 1979 Kenner ALIEN goodies! No. Not the Alien toy itself. That thing is as common as stripes on a zebra. I do enough talking about it as it is. It’s certainly more common than most people appreciate. Anyway, this time I’m referring to this original unfolded double sided single sheet colour ALIEN flyer which appears to be in mint condition. These print materials were available as free handouts from retail outlets back in 1979 to promote the toy. These things don’t appear on eBay very often.
It is rare by any definition of the word you may choose to use. And it’s in surprisingly good condition, too! The seller claims this is an uncirculated sample and never been offered to the public before. How much does he want for it? You can safely bet this item’s final sale value will be impressive. The item has been listed for sale on eBay for a few days now; and the bidding is currently sitting at US$280, with another 2 days to go before the auction ends. How much will you pay for a 45 year old flyer extolling the virtues of a toy that didn’t sell very well back in 1979? I’m pretty sure someone has a box of these old things stashed away, somewhere. The contents of that box will be worth more than my car.
I agree. 7 years between installments is long wait. I enjoyed Romulus. I’ve seen it twice, now. It’s definitely a movie that benefits from multiple watchings. I am hoping it’s not just restricted to streaming services once it’s finished its cinema run. I like DVDs & BluRays. I’m hoping it gets a proper physical release in this regard.
One thing I would love is to go back in time and start the Alien trip all over again…..I’ve seen all of them so many times now….I’m like you – new ones do not come out fast enough for me…..I was supposed to go see Romulus last week but didn’t so it’s still on my radar! Can’t wait!