I’m making a much needed course correction to the HIDEOUS PLASTIC KickStarter campaign. Obviously after 35 days, this campaign is under performing so I’ve decided to make some adjustments to the currently unsupported reward tiers along with some other changes. These adjustments are based on Goals. The original costings at campaign start were based on achieving the highest Goal – the hardcover edition. As this Goal is highly unlikely, I’ve redone my calculations to deliver the full color paperback edition, only. As a result, I’ve adjusted some of the Reward Tiers. Unfortunately, I cannot adjust Tiers that have already had pledges made to them – and I cannot adjust the Primary Goal of AU$25,000.
Of particular note is the addition of a new ‘Course Correction’ Reward Tier to the pledge list. This new Tier excises all costs (printing and distribution) of the hardcover edition to favor the publication of the paperback edition only. This will mean that the hardcover edition is being removed from the Goal list. Only the full color paperback edition will be available. It means a substantial reduction in financial support from Backers can be expressed in this new Reward Tier.
The new ‘Course Correction’ Reward will ask Backers to pledge AU$40/US$31(Approx.) – a discount of about 40% off the current standard pledge and will replace that rate as the default rate.
I know some Backers may want to adopt this new Tier in preference of their current choice and I have no objection to anyone who does so. Hey, I’d probably do the same thing in your position. I completely understand. On the other hand, the ambition of running this campaign is to raise money – not be deprived of it. Please don’t send it backwards. lol. To this end, I can make a suggestion that will benefit everyone:
If you do make a change to your pledge, remember, you can do so conscientiously by encouraging others to take advantage of the new Reward as well! You and your friends will receive the book at the discount rate. Increasing the numbers will keep everyone happy.
I’m hoping that the reduced rate (about 40% discount) will be enough to stimulate interest in supporting this Project. Beyond this, you can still help. Spread the word that this new Reward Tier exists. This Reward will be active until the end of the campaign, April 29, 2017.
Thank you for your support. I now need to get busy and increase the number of supporters. In the meantime, make a pledge. Tell your friends. 😉