Gradually catching up on all the things I’ve missed over the past months while moving house. It looks like Eaglemoss are releasing another large, special edition figure very soon. This one is based on the Aliens seen in ALIEN Covenant.
The figurine appears to be inspired by the work of ALIEN: Covenant poster contest winner, Peter Sandeman. Peter had this to say about winning the competition “20th Century Fox’ held a competition to design a poster to help celebrate the Blu Ray release of Alien Covenant. This was my entry into that competition and I was lucky enough to have won. One of the prizes was to have your poster displayed in JB HiFi stores Australia wide and I’m pretty excited to see it all printed up!”
Fantastic! I wonder how Peter feels about having a figurine made by an officially licensed manufacturer based on his artwork. I bet he’s pretty chuffed ’bout that. Well done, Peter.
I’m unsure of the availability and pricing of this item. It must be coming soon. Nonetheless, here’s the prize winning poster this figurine appears to be based on…